Home        David Fredenburg MD PA   •   49 Derry Road (Rt 102), Hudson, NH 03051-4027   •   Phone: (603) 889-4422   •   Fax: (603) 889-5544

Office Staff

Dr. Fredenburg and Ian Dr. David Fredenburg is a graduate of the Univ of Virginia, UMass/Amherst & Medical College of Virginia. He is also a member of the American Board of Pediatrics and American Academy of Pediatrics. He enjoys working with patients and families on most all of the pleasures and problems that infants, children and adolescents offer us. Vaccine preventable illnesses are a strong professional interest; he has been appointed to three NH state committees that provide access and funding for vaccines to all the NH's children. He lives in Hudson, and marvels at the achievements of former patients and his two grown sons.
Andrea Paquette, ARNP, AHN-BC (advanced holistic nurse), has worked with this office for several years soon after it opened and recently rejoined us in January of 2010 on a regular basis. She earned her nursing degree at Salem State College and her masters degree at Boston College. Specialty areas beyond general pediatric care include eating disorders and weight management, also holistic health care. A daughter is now off to college; a son in high school. Andrea
Beth Beth, LPN, is a familiar voice to all the patients and parents in the office, possibly the only one who knows all of the ins/outs of pediatric phone counselling, insurance referrals and office procedures. She worked with both Dr. Fredenburg and Andrea starting in 1991, rejoining us soon after this office opened in 1997. Beth has successfully raised two children and is now a proud grandmother.
Dori joined the office as a receptionist in 2005. She is one of the first voices to greet you at the window or on the phone (that is when she can beat Beth to answering the phone). She not only works with children daily throughout the office but returns home to continue negotiations with three of her own. Dori
Dawn Dawn, MA, worked with Dr. Fredenburg, Andrea and Beth over 15 years ago, and as her three children head off to elementary and high school we are pleased to have her (with her smile and calming nature) available to help us part-time to provide care for children and adolescents seen in the office.

Felicia, LPN, started helping in the office while she was still at Campbell high school, earning a nursing aid certificate. She completed an LPN degree at St Joseph School of Nursing the spring of 2010, and we are fortunate she stayed around to help out with patient care. She plans on completing an RN degree in the coming years, working in the office part-time. Felicia
Stacy Stacy, RN, started with us as a receptionist while a junior at Salem HS, continuing to help with patient care all the way through her RN degree and beyond. These days we are infrequently graced with her presence but she still remains on the timesheet.
Justin has been managing a multitude of paper and charts, cleaning and other odd duties for the office for the last several years. He stays "hidden in the back"--other than when he indispensibly helped out with office sponsored pedal tractor pulls in August 2010. Justin