Home        David Fredenburg MD PA   •   49 Derry Road (Rt 102), Hudson, NH 03051-4027   •   Phone: (603) 889-4422   •   Fax: (603) 889-5544

Privacy Policy

This website is intended to provide information about the office and to provide relevant pediatric resources directly to patients and parents through the internet. Please understand that the web host is not on a secure server and therefore this site is not intended to include patient information that is specific to a single individual or group of an individuals. In addition, to avoid delays in medical care this site is not appropriate as a substitute for office care or phone counselling. If you have medical issue needing evaluation and care please contact the office directly at the above phone number.


If you have suggestions for topics or at interested in having resources added that are not currently on this website, please contact the office to leave a message. Again, topics relevant to a wide range of patients (not specific individuals) will be considered.